Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This is a variable voltage analog power supply based on the LM317 voltage regulator.

The voltage is adjustable from 1.2 VDC to 30 VDC via a “VOLTS ADJ” potentiometer. There is also a “MAX ADJ” trim potentiometer that can be used to limit the maximum output voltage. The input is protected by an auto-reset fuse. Input voltage can be either 6-24 VAC or 8-35 VDC.

AC inputs are rectified by four 1N5402 (3 amp) diodes in a full bridge configuration and filtered by two 2200uF electrolytic capacitors. The main output regulator is fan cooled allowing continuous operation at high current levels and high ambient conditions. The regulator has built-in thermal protection and current limiting. The maximum output voltage is 30 VDC (with an input of 24 VAC or 35 VDC) and the maximum output load current is 1.0 Amps DC at any voltage.

The PCB measures 3.0in by 4.5in and made of 0.032in glass epoxy.

                                    PCB ASSEMBLY

                                    PCB LAYOUT

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